sunnuntai 6. huhtikuuta 2014

Vain kaksi sanaa

Not her, get laid, live free, thank you, love thyself, be you, trust yourself, dream bigger, run now, don't fear, stay classy, slow down, miss u, love u, don't worry, think twice, soon enough, be patient, stay true, dream big, be happy, choose wisely, come back, don't marry, study harder, keep running, work hard, don't grow, face book, trust nobody, be strong, live life, cheer up, be free, take risks, game on, carpe diem, stop procrastinating, don't sacrifice, your God, be brave, stay strong, just live, fucked up, be yourself, turn around, just leave, well done, enjoy life, stop it, you're perfect, keep trying, say no, never regret, go on, always beautiful, good job, think wisely, Embrace. Laugh., expect none, wonderful child, don't cry, gets better, no regrets, get emancipated, stupid ass, don't rush, keep breathing, think again, be still, you fool, find peace, start now, be sober, tell him, keep walking, live now, you rock, time flies, live happily, have fun, be careful, be alone, fear not, shut up, don't smoke, do it, it's ok, lucky bastard, kill yourself, keep trying, don't quit, be fearless, try harder, be reckless, be more, find out, condom first, write daily, trust God, expectations hurt, be humble, love desperately, be yourself, screw you, don't reply, eat less, save money, free spirit, say sorry, love me, travel more, be there, don't settle, hakuna matata, lighten up, wake up, let go, seek truth, slow down, help mom, get life, other way, hang on, be serious, think first, die now, future sucks, learn more, stay positive, turn around, work hard, stay forever, exercise mind, keep fit, focus focus, smile always, start over, create facebook, be aware, be rich, sell books, tell her, you idiot, screw you, be tired, two words, envy u, no "I", don't try, a legend, read more, you're great...

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